Lives of children can be drastically changed for the good when they become involved in an excellent, Christ-centered sports program.  Connecting young people with adults who love the Lord, who care about them, and who have skills they can pass on is one of the best ways to help them improve their own futures.  The future of Haiti lies within these youth. 

Your gift provides children in athletic programs and camps with:

  • A safe place to play, have fun, and just be a kid.

  • A place to belong and learn teamwork and sportsmanship.

  • The opportunity to grow in strength, confidence, determination and purpose through discipleship.

  • Skills and technique training from coaches trained by PLH. 

Invest in Athletics

$15 can provide a high-quality soccer ball for practice, camps, and games

$35 can support and academy player for the season.

$450 can support an academy team for the season. (Contact us to learn more about team sponsorship!)